NIO's nine vertical and nine horizontal high-speed battery swapping network connects over 700 cities across the country
发表于 어제 19:51
Beijing, December 18 (Xinhua) -- The NIO battery swapping station G25 Changshen Expressway Hongzehu Service Area was launched on December 18, and the G25 Changshen Expressway Jinyue section battery swapping network was officially opened. With the launch of NIO's G25 Changshen Expressway Hongze Lake Service Area, NIO's nationwide 9-vertical and 9-horizontal high-speed battery swapping network has been officially completed.
Thus, NIO has completed the construction of high-speed battery swapping networks between major cities across the country, becoming the first and only car company to complete the layout of power facilities for national high-speed trunk lines.
The number of NIO highway battery swapping stations has reached 913, with an average of one NIO battery swapping station per 200 kilometers of highways nationwide. The high-speed battery swapping network connects over 700 cities, allowing users to achieve direct high-speed battery swapping between major cities in China. is an information publishing platform and only provides information storage space services.
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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author only, this article does not represent the position of, and does not constitute advice, please treat with caution.
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