첫 페이지 News 본문

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel will seek to assume overall responsibility for Gaza's security; This is a preliminary sign of Israel's plan to occupy the Gaza Strip after the war, raising more questions about Israel's withdrawal strategy.
I believe Israel will indefinitely assume overall security responsibility because we have seen what happens when we don't take responsibility, "Netanyahu told ABC News the night before yesterday. When we do not assume security responsibility, what we are facing is the outbreak of Hamas terrorist activities, the scale of which is unimaginable
Since the Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7th sparked the war, Israeli officials have hardly talked about their long-term plans for Gaza, except for their ability to destroy the radical organization's rule over Gaza.
US President Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that Israel has the right and obligation to defend itself. But he also warned Israel not to occupy Gaza, calling it a "huge mistake".
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