첫 페이지 News 본문

[Urgent response by Wal Mart to liquidate its position and reduce its shareholding in JD! How big is the impact?] On the evening of the 21st, JD Group announced that Wal Mart had submitted Schedule 13G/A to the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 20, US Eastern Time, regarding Wal Mart's sale of the company's shares. As of that day, Wal Mart no longer held the company's equity. Analysts believe that Wal Mart's reduction of JD is a normal capital operation, and the strategic relationship between the two sides will not be affected. JPMorgan Chase pointed out that this would not fundamentally change JD's business prospects, because JD does not rely heavily on Wal Mart. Another thing to note is that Wal Mart does not have a seat on JD's board of directors, which means it does not necessarily have inside information about JD. This can ease some investors' concerns about whether Wal Mart makes a clearance decision based on some undisclosed information.
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