첫 페이지 News 본문

On March 8th, Microsoft stated in a blog post that the hacker organization "Nobel", associated with Russian foreign intelligence agencies, is attempting to infiltrate its systems again. Hackers are using data stolen from Microsoft's emails in January to gain new access to Microsoft. Compared to the attack volume in January, this hacker organization increased the attack volume in certain aspects (such as password spraying attacks) by as much as 10 times in February. Microsoft stated that it has implemented and will continue to implement more strengthened security controls, detection, and monitoring measures. In addition, Microsoft stated that the investigation into this hacker organization is still ongoing.
Previously in January, Microsoft disclosed this intrusion incident, stating that hackers had attempted to hack into the company's email accounts, including those of senior executives, cybersecurity, legal, and other functional departments. Microsoft is one of the world's largest software providers, providing digital services and infrastructure to the US government.
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