苹果被传与腾讯、字节初步接洽 考虑将二者AI模型嵌入在华销售的iPhone
发表于 어제 14:14
12月12日,OpenAI称,ChatGPT已全面接入苹果,包括 iPhone, iPad 和 Mac,支持苹果智能(Apple Intelligence)的苹果设备即可开启ChatGPT功能。同日,苹果发布了针对iOS、iPadOS和MacOS的系统更新。据悉,苹果与腾讯和字节就使用二者人工智能模型的讨论还处于非常早期的阶段。
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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author only, this article does not represent the position of CandyLake.com, and does not constitute advice, please treat with caution.
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