iPhone 16系列预售开启10分钟 饿了么上品牌销售额超去年上新全月
发表于 2024-9-22 12:33:44
据介绍,今年饿了么携手近4000家Apple 授权专营店,支持iPhone 16新品预售及现货的同步开售。新机现货首发当日,饿了么消费者最快半小时内即可收获新机。同时,饿了么联合花呗针对Apple新品全系列,推出了最高12期免息选择,还上线有包含密封包装、专人配送等定制化配送服务。
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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author only, this article does not represent the position of CandyLake.com, and does not constitute advice, please treat with caution.
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